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−Table of Contents
List of observatories and stations related to Bolidozor network
Hvězdárna Úpice - OBSUPICE
The detection station is situated directly in the main building of Upice Observatory.
Parameter | state |
Detection software | Radio-observer |
Hardware version | RMDS02B (PC) |
Current station name | OBSUPICE-R3 |
Data upload state | operational |
VPN connection | Yes |
Station computer name | radio-meteor.local |
Station operator | Ladislav Křivský |
Svákov observatory - svakov
Měřící stanice je umístěna na terase hvězdárny Svákov. Na této observatoři je hlavní testovací a vývojové centrum stanic. Proto tu kromě jedné stabilní obvykle běží ještě několik paralelních určených k testování nových systémů z těchto stanic však obvykle nejsou data nahrávána na datový server.
Parameter | state |
Detection software | Radio-observer |
Hardware version | RMDS02B (PC ion) |
Current station name | SVAKOV-R5 |
Data upload state | operational |
VPN connection | No |
Station computer name | ? |
Station operator | Martin Kákona |
Hvězdárna a planetárium Hradec Králové - HPHK
Parameter | state |
Detection software | SpectrumLab |
Hardware version | RMDS02B (PC) |
Current station name | HPHK-R1 |
Data upload state | semi-operational |
VPN connection | No |
Station computer name | ? |
Station operator | Lenka Trojanová, Radovan Mrllak |
Observation site Jaroměř - OBSJAROMER
Parameter | state |
Detection software | SpectrumLab |
Hardware version | RMDS01A (PC) |
Current station name | OBSJAROMER-R1 |
Data upload state | operational |
VPN connection | No |
Station computer name | ? |
Station operator | Marcel Bělík |
Praha - uFlu
Parameter | state |
Detection software | Radio-observer |
Hardware version | RMDS02C (ARM) |
Current station name | uFlu-R1 |
Data upload state | operational |
VPN connection | Yes |
Station computer name | toutatis.local |
Station operator | Jakub Kákona |
Žebrák observatory - ZEBRAK
Parameter | state |
Detection software | Radio-observer |
Hardware version | RMDS02C (ARM) |
Current station name | ZEBRAK-R1 |
Data upload state | operational |
VPN connection | No |
Station computer name | odroid.local |
Station operator | Keberdle Václav |
Verze firmware v PIC na stanici neumožňuje rekonfiguraci GPS z ovládacího software. Musí se ručně zmáčknout reset.
František Nušl observatory in Jindřichův Hradec
Parameter | state |
Detection software | SpectrumLab |
Hardware version | RMDS01A (PC) |
Current station name | - |
Data upload state | non-operational |
VPN connection | No |
Station computer name | ? |
Station operator | Jan Strobl |
Zahrada v Pražském Předměstí České Budějovice - ZVPP
Parameter | state |
Detection software | Radio-observer |
Hardware version | RMDS02B (PC) |
Current station name | ZVPP-R1 |
Data upload state | operational |
VPN connection | No |
Station computer name | ? |
Station operator | Roman Dvořák |
Brezova pod Bradlom - BPB
Parameter | state |
Detection software | Radio-observer |
Hardware version | RMDS02C (ARM) |
Current station name | - |
Data upload state | non-operational |
VPN connection | Yes |
Station computer name | kitami.local |
Station operator | Martin Abel |
Experimentální stanice
Tyto stanice byly určené pro dočasné měření a již nejsou v provozu.
Parameter | state |
Detection software | SpectrumLab |
Hardware version | RMDS01B (PC) |
Current station name | BOOTES1 |
Data upload state | non-operational |
VPN connection | No |
Station computer name | ? |
Station operator | Martin Kákona |
en/stations.1425136360.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/02/28 15:12 by kaklik