People involved in the Bolidozor project
This page contains a list of team members working on development of Bolidozor in Czech Republic.
Project coordinators
- KAKLIK - Jakub Kákona
- KAKL - Martin Kákona
- JOSY - Josef Szylar
Main developers
Software development
- Martin Povišer - PySDR (Robozor.cz, České Budějovice)
- Jan Milík - radio-observer (MLAB, Poland)
- Josef Szylar - Indexing and data statistics (Robozor.cz, České Budějovice)
Maintenance and testing
- Jan Štrobl - Central data server (ASU ČR, Ondřejov)
- Petr Bednář - Data server for Morava (MLAB, Starý Jičín Dub)
- Martin Kákona (Jihočeská pobočka ČAS, Soběslav)
- Jakub Kákona (Universal Scientific Techonologies s.r.o., Soběslav)
- Ladislav Křivský - RF techonolgy and measurements (Hvězdárna v Úpici)
Detection stations operators
The list of operators of detection stations changes often. Therefore, the one listed below does not need to be actual and contains only the most stable stations. However, there is a map of observation sites on Astrozor.
Organisations involed in Bolidozor project
Czech Astronomical Society
ESA SOCIS Programme
Center for Machine Perception
Universal Scientific Technologies s.r.o.
Hardware is developed and produced by Universal Scientific Technologies company.
MLAB - Modular Laboratory
Network’s hardware is bases on an open-source modular concept of MLAB.
DGPS correction data for time and location measurements is provided by[http://czepos.cuzk.cz/|czepos]] network.
You can contact us via email conference bolidozor@googlegroups.com.
cs/credits.txt · Poslední úprava: 2019/02/27 07:19 autor: fluktuacia