
rmob-export software

Colorogram generator for RMOB network.

output colorgram form RMOB-export software

Software functions

RMOB-export application serves a a substitute for Colorgramme software for OS Linux. Colorgramme is only available for Windows and is very unstable. RMOB-export generates Rmob graphs (pictures) and rmob.txt files, which it immediately uploads to www.rmob.org.

In the Bolidozor network, the RMOB-export is automatically connected directly to the data storage place - so the output data files for RMOB are generated directly from it.

Generating RMOB graphs

RMOB graphs can be generated either locally on your own computer (you have to install rmob-export by yourself according to a procedure described below) or using a data storage place of Bolidozor (it is easier and preferred option). For automatic generation of graphs from upload files, you have to place a rmob.cfg with a following content into station's folder.

stationname = ZVPP
country = Czech republic
city = Ceske Budejovice
latitudens = N
latitudedeg = 048.9869761
longtitudeew = E
longtitudedeg = 014.4675321
email = roman-dvorak@email.cz
computer = Ion PC
antenna = 1/4GP
preamp = LNA01A www.mlab.cz
reciver = RMDS01B www.mlab.cz
frequency = 140 050 000 Hz

The file has to be so far uploaded to the server manually via scp. Then you data will be used for graphs generation by our servers for RMOB network and uploaded on their server.


For cases you have to run the rmob-export software directly on your station. RMOB-export can be downloaded from GitHub.



sudo apt-get install git g++ libmagick++ libmagick++5 libmagick++-dev libmysqlclient-dev


For cases you have to run rmob-export software directly on your station. RMOB-export can be downloaded from GitHub.



sudo apt-get install git g++ libmagick++ libmagick++5 libmagick++-dev libmysqlclient-dev


Unpack or download from Github

git clone https://github.com/bolidozor/rmob-export

Compile (using Makefilu)

cd rmob-export/

After setup (described below), run Run.py periodically, e.g. using crone To set up the crone, use:

crontab -e

and add the following line (with your own path to Run.py file) to the end of the file:

*/15 * * * * cd /home/roman/rmob-export/; python Run.py


Setting up this application is done using a Configure.py wizard, run in the rmob-export folder.

python Configure.py

The wizard will ask you several questions, your answers are confirmed by pressing enter. If you do not want to change the folder, you can skip it by pressing enter.

In order to verify the setup, run the rmob-export:

python Run.py