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en:data-outputs [2019/04/24 13:39] – [Records generation] fluktuaciaen:data-outputs [2019/04/25 15:33] (current) – [Spectral records description] fluktuacia
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-The radar emitting frequency corresponds to the vertical intersected with the average positions of the meteor trails. This signal is static and thus has almost entirely zero [[|Doppler shift]]. +The radar emitting frequency corresponds to the vertical line intersected with the average positions of the meteor trails. This signal is static and thus has almost entirely zero [[|Doppler shift]]. 
 {{:cs:outputs:js9browser_meteor.png?600|A typical picture of meteor generated by JS9Browser programme.}} {{:cs:outputs:js9browser_meteor.png?600|A typical picture of meteor generated by JS9Browser programme.}}
-The lower portion of the record shows a head-echo - a signal, always beginning at higher frequencies than the meteor trail. Head-echo is a signal formed by the reflection from an ionised plasma at the front of the meteor during its fly-by. It is a moving object whose signal (due to a considerable speed up to tens of km/s) has a large doppler shift that passes through zero (at the point of the shortest sum of distances transmitter -> meteor -> receiver). Some meteors lack head-echo signal as the geometry of their fly-by does not allow the reflection to the receiver station. On the other side, other meteors have a head-echo extending even behind the point of the zero doppler shift.+The lower portion of the record shows a head-echo - a signal, always beginning at higher frequencies than the meteor trail. Head-echo is a signal formed by the reflection from an ionised plasma at the front of the meteor during its fly-by. It is a moving object whose signal (due to a considerable speed up to tens of km/s) has a large doppler shift that passes through zero (at the point of the shortest sum of distances transmitter -> meteor -> receiver). Some meteors lack head-echo signal as geometry of their fly-by does not allow reflection towards the receiver station. On the other side, other meteors have a head-echo extending even behind the point of the zero doppler shift.
-Following on the area of the head-echo signal there is an area of a static reflection from the meteor trail. Its intensity varies in time. The change in intensity is caused by a progressive recombination of the plasma trail of the meteor and the periodic changes in intensity are caused by a space modulation of the radar signal.+Following the area of head-echo signal there is an area of a static reflection from the meteor trail. Its intensity varies in time. The change in intensity is caused by a progressive recombination of plasma trail of the meteor and periodic changes in intensity are caused by a spatial modulation of the radar signal.
 ==== FITS header content ==== ==== FITS header content ====
en/data-outputs.txt · Last modified: 2019/04/25 15:33 by fluktuacia